Tag Archives: george w. bush

Here’s who Trump should pick as the next FBI director

A former FBI agent with more than two decades of service told Business Insider in a recent interview that they believed Fran Townsend, President George W. Bush’s homeland security adviser, would be a great choice for the bureau’s next director.

The former agent, who spoke on background to provide their candid thoughts on the fallout of President Donald Trump’s bombshell firing of FBI Director James Comey last week, said Townsend would check off a lot of boxes for Trump.

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F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump

President Trump on Tuesday fired the director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, abruptly terminating the top official leading a criminal investigation into whether Mr. Trump’s advisers colluded with the Russian government to steer the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The stunning development in Mr. Trump’s presidency raised the specter of political interference by a sitting president into an existing investigation by the nation’s leading law enforcement agency. It immediately ignited Democratic calls for a special counsel to lead the Russia inquiry.

Continue reading F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump

Donald Trump not safe in White House, says former Secret Service agent

The president is no longer safe on the White House grounds, according to former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who once guarded presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Bongino made the stunning assessment in an interview Friday with Fox News. It followed an incident last Friday night when a man jumped the White House fence and may have roamed the property for as long as 15 minutes before he was stopped by the Secret Service.

Jonathan Tran, who carried two cans of mace, set off multiple alarms, Bongino said, and was even spotted by Secret Service officers, but was still able to come within “close proximity” of the White House and even reportedly “jiggled the door” to the executive mansion.

Continue reading Donald Trump not safe in White House, says former Secret Service agent

Ted Cruz and John Kasich team up to block Donald Trump

Republican rivals to co-ordinate strategy in effort to force frontrunner into contested convention.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich will co-ordinate their campaigns in several upcoming primary races in an effort to maximise the chances of preventing Donald Trump from securing the Republican presidential nomination in July.

George W. Bush’s Daughters Are Not Republicans

Then-President Bush, left, walks behind daughter Jenna Hager and son-in-law Henry Hager in 2008.

Both of former President George W. Bush’s daughters aren’t following the family’s Republican Party heritage.

Jenna Bush Hager, the younger of the Bush twins, is registered to New York’s Independence Party, according to a Daily News report Wednesday. The third party is much maligned in local politics for allegedly duping voters who meant to actually register as “independent.”

A spokeswoman for the daughter told the paper that Hager, a correspondent for NBC News, confirmed she made a mistake when she registered.

“Jenna registered to vote in New York soon after her daughter was born, and like all new moms, she was functioning on very little sleep. She mistakenly registered for the Independence Party,” said the spokeswoman.

The Daily News also reported that her twin sister, Barbara Pierce Bush, is registered to vote in Texas and is not affiliated with any political party.

The two Bush daughters’ voter registrations don’t come as a complete surprise, however. They told People magazine in 2010 that they didn’t embrace the U.S. political parties.

“I don’t really label myself as Republican or Democrat,” said Bush.

“We’re both very independent thinkers,” added Hager.

Russian premier questions Obama’s mental state

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday that President Obama was suffering from “some kind of mental aberration” for saying during a U.N. speech last month that Russia posed a global threat.

“It’s sad to hear President Obama say in an address at the U.N. that the threats and challenges facing humanity are, in this particular order: the Ebola virus, the Russian Federation, and only then the Islamic State,” Medvedev said during an interview that aired Wednesday on CNBC. “I don’t want to dignify it with a response. It’s sad. It’s like some kind of mental aberration.”

Medvedev offered his opinion of Obama’s mental state in response to a question about whether it would be possible to “reset” the relationship between Washington and Moscow after a months-long standoff over Ukraine, during which the United States has sanctioned Russia’s financial, defense, and oil and gas sectors, and Russia has banned all produce, meat, fish and dairy imports from the United States and the European Union.

The idea harks back to 2009, when Medvedev and the Obama administration both expressed a desire to “press the reset button” on relations between Russia and the United States, which had grown tense during the administrations of George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin. (The photo op didn’t go so well.)

Doing so now, in the wake of sanctions, would be “absolutely impossible,” Medvedev told CNBC.

“Let’s be clear: We did not come up with these sanctions, our international partners did,” he said. “What kind of reset is possible in these circumstances? It’s imperative to leave all of that behind, get back to normalcy, perhaps go back to square one — and only then talk about future relations.”

Moscow is hoping that the West rolls back the sanctions against Russia, which were implemented in stages, starting when Russia moved to annex Ukraine’s autonomous Crimean Peninsula in March. The countries have engaged in near tit-for-tat sanctions and countermeasures since.

European officials have said that the European Union will review its sanctions against Russia by late October. The United States has offered no similar timeline, but Obama said last month that sanctions could be rolled back if Russia lives up to the terms of the Ukrainian cease-fire agreement.

In his Sept. 24 speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Obama said Russia’s “aggression in Europe recalls the days when large nations trampled small ones in pursuit of territorial ambition.” He later said in the speech that Russia’s actions in Ukraine “challenge” the post-World War II order of the United Nations.