Tag Archives: Pyeongchang

Kim Jong Un meets with South Korean officials for historic talks in Pyongyang

  • A South Korean delegation met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for the first time in history on Monday.
  • The talks could set the tone for US engagement at a later date.
  • The South Koreans received a warm welcome, but promised to push North Korea on denuclearizing ā€” something it bitterly opposes.
  • International sanctions are closing in on North Korea, and the US and South Korea will return to regular military drills after the Paralympics.

A 10-member South Korean delegation met face-to-face with Kim Jong Un for the first time in history on Monday ā€” and the talks could set the tone for later US engagement.

The meeting, which took place in Pyongyang, reportedly involved an elegant reception and banquet for the visiting diplomats, who will stay in what South Korea’s president’s office spokespersonĀ Kim Eui-kyeom told NK NewsĀ was a “luxury resort” on the Taedong River.

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Winter Olympics: Kim Jong-un calls for further reconciliation

North Korea’s leader has called for a “further livening up” of the “warm climate of reconciliation” with the South created by the Winter Olympics.

Kim Jong-un, whose nuclear bomb and missile tests have stoked international tension, praised the South for hosting his state at the games in Pyeongchang.

Kim’s apparent Games charm offensive was led by his sister Kim Yo-jong.

South Korean President President Moon Jae-in has meanwhile said the US is open to talking with the North.

He did not elaborate and may have been referring to a remark by US Vice-President Mike Pence on his flight back to Washington from the Games.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invites South Korean president to Pyongyang, setting up the first meeting of Korean leaders in more than 10 years

  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang “at an early date.”
  • The invitation came during talks and a lunch Moon hosted with Kim Yo Jong, the younger sister of Kim Jong Un.

SEOUL/PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang “at an early date,” South Korean officials said on Saturday, potentially setting up the first meeting of Korean leaders in more than 10 years.

Any meeting would represent a diplomatic coup for Moon, who swept to power last year on a policy of engaging more with the reclusive North.

Trump South Korea Moon

The recent detente, anchored by South Korea’s hosting of the Winter Olympic Games, came despite an acceleration in the North’s weapons programme last year and pressure from Seoul’s allies in Washington.

The invitation came during talks and a lunch Moon hosted with Kim Yo Jong, the younger sister of the North Korean leader, at the presidential Blue House in Seoul.

kim yo jong

Kim Jong Un wanted to meet Moon “at an early date,” a spokesman for the Blue House said. Moon had said “let’s create conditions to make it happen,” the official said, an indication that Moon was likely to accept the invitation.

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North Korea leader’s sister to visit South for Olympics

The influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is to attend Friday’s opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, which are being held in the South, ministers in Seoul say.

Kim Yo-jong is the youngest daughter of late leader Kim Jong-il and her role was strengthened last year when she was promoted to the politburo.

Both Koreas will march under one flag at the opening ceremony.

The North’s participation has been seen as a thawing of bilateral ties.

However, experts say it is unlikely to have any impact on the North’s nuclear ambitions.

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Winter Olympics: North Korea presses ahead with military parade

North Korea has defended plans for a large-scale military parade scheduled for the day before the Winter Olympics in South Korea.

Pyongyang’s annual military parade to mark the founding of its armed forces has taken place in April for 40 years.

From 2018, however, it has been changed to 8 February – when athletes will gather in Pyeongchang for the opening ceremony the following day.

North Korea said that no-one had the right to take issue with its plans.

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North Korea agrees to send athletes to Winter Olympics, South says

North Korea has agreed to send a delegation of athletes and supporters to the Winter Olympics to be held in South Korea next month, announced Seoulā€™s participants to the talks on Tuesday.

There was no immediate confirmation from the northern side, but the Southā€™s announcement was in line with recent North Korean signals that it was willing to send competitors to the games, which will open in PyeongChang on Feb. 9.

The talks are ongoing but the tentative agreement constitutes a rare moment of consensus between Kim Jong Unā€™s regime, its estranged southern neighbor and the outside world.

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North Korea reopens hotline to South to discuss Olympics

North Korea has reopened a hotline to South Korea, almost two years after it was disabled on the orders of leader Kim Jong-un.

South Korea confirmed it had received a call from the North at 15:30 local time (06:30 GMT) on Wednesday.

The North Korean leader had earlier said he was open to dialogue with Seoul and to sending a team to the Winter Olympics in the South next month.

The two nations have not held high-level talks since December 2015.

North Korea cut off the communications channel shortly afterwards, refusing to answer calls, according to officials in the South.

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Russian doping: IOC bans Russia from 2018 Winter Olympics

Russia has been banned from competing at next year’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang by the International Olympic Committee.

But Russian athletes who can prove they are clean would be allowed to compete in South Korea under a neutral flag.

It follows an investigation into allegations of state-sponsored doping at the 2014 Games hosted by Russia in Sochi.

“This should draw a line under this damaging episode,” the IOC said.

IOC president Thomas Bach and his board – who made the announcement in Lausanne on Tuesday – came to the decision after reading through the findings and recommendations of a 17-month investigation headed up by the former president of Switzerland, Samuel Schmid.

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