Tag Archives: Silvio Berlusconi

Italy election: Populist surge prompts political deadlock

Italy’s voters have turned to right-wing and populist parties in an election that is set to leave the country with a hung parliament.

The Eurosceptic, anti-establishment Five Star Movement was the biggest party with almost a third of the vote.

But a coalition of the far-right League and centre-right of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is set to win most seats in the lower house of parliament.

Forming a government may now take weeks of negotiation and coalition-building.

One of the biggest winners was League leader Matteo Salvini who declared his party had the “right and duty” to govern at the head of a right-wing coalition.

Results showed the League conquering broad swathes of Italy’s north, while Five Star saw its strongest show of support in the south.

Continue reading Italy election: Populist surge prompts political deadlock

Silvio Berlusconi Set For High-Profile Docu And Possible TV Series Produced By Leone Film Group

ROME – As his political star fades, Silvio Berlusconi is set to be back in the spotlight with a high-profile documentary in the works based on many hours of video interviews by American journalist Alan Friedman, author of the upcoming book “Berlusconi: The Epic Story of the Billionaire Who Took Over Italy,” plus a possible TV series.

Italy’s Leone Film Group has inked a deal with Friedman, who is a former Financial Times and Wall Street Journal columnist, to acquire fifty-percent of global distribution rights to the docu and also an option to produce a fictionalised TV series based on Friedman’s book about Berlusconi’s rise from media mogul to running Italy as prime minister for three mandates.

“We are delighted to have purchased these rights,” enthused Andrea Leone, president of Leone Film Group, the company originally founded by Spaghetti Westerns master Sergio Leone.


The book “Berlusconi: The Epic Story” will be published in the U.S. in October by Hachette Group while Rizzoli is publishing in Italy. The authorised Berlusconi bio will come out in twenty countries. Hachette is touting the tome as comparable to Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs bio and David Frost’s interviews with Richard Nixon.

The documentary, working-titled “My Way: Berlusconi in his Own Words” is said to be based on more than 28 hours of video inerviews conducted by Friedman with Berlusconi and more than one hundred hours of other interviews and conversations he held over an 18-month period. The docu’s director has not been disclosed.

Berlusconi is known as a master media spinner. In an announcement to plug the book last June he said that for years he had turned down journalists who asked him to tell them his life story but instead “agreed to cooperate with Friedman because I trust him.”

Friedman claims in a statement that when he embarked on the Berlusconi project in March 2014 he told the scandal-worn TV-tycoon-turned pol he would not let him “off the hook or do him any favors.”

Berlusconi ‘selling £350m holiday villa to Saudi royal family’

Silvio Berlusconi reportedly gave Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef a personal tour of the spectacular Villa Certosa last week

Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s former prime minister, is reportedly considering a £350 million offer from the Saudi royal family to buy his sprawling holiday home on Sardinia’s Costa Smeralda.

Putyin és Berlusconi még 2003-ban, a villa kertjében (PRESS OFFICE / AFP)

The 78-year-old billionaire media mogul reportedly gave a personal tour of the spectacular Villa Certosa last week to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the kingdom’s interior minister and first in line to the throne.

Italian media speculated over the weekend that Mr bin Nayef may be negotiating on behalf of King Salman, Saudi Arabia’s leader.

Silvio Berlusconi's villa Certosa in Sardinia, 2003
One of the six swimming pools  Photo: LaPresse/Empics Entertainment

The 168-acre holiday estate includes 68 rooms, six swimming pools, a huge park and an artificial volcano to entertain guests, some of whom have been snapped by paparazzi frolicking naked and semi-naked on the grounds – most memorably the former Czech prime minister in 2009.

Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Maria Aznar at Villa Certosa, 05 Sep 2003
Silvio Berlusconi and Jose Maria Aznar at Villa Certosa in 2003  Photo: Rex

Perhaps the most famous attraction at Villa Certosa is the James Bond-style private grotto, which includes a sea-God mosaic that leads directly to the sea via a secret underground tunnel.

Villa Certosa has a private grotto, with a secret underground tunnel that leads directly to the sea
Villa Certosa has a private grotto, with a secret underground tunnel that leads directly to the sea  Photo: Xclusive

Mr Berlusconi said he built the tunnel as an escape route after receiving multiple death threats. His high profile guests, who have in the past included former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, can also use the tunnel to arrive discretely by sea.

Tony Blair and his wife Cherie with Silvio Berlusconi at Villa La Certosa in Sardinia, Monday 16 August 2004
Silvio Berlusconi with Cherie Blair and Tony Blair at Villa La Certosa  Photo: EPA

Previous potential buyers have reportedly included wealthy Britons, Russians and Arabs, but Mr Berlusconi never closed a deal.

 Silvio Berlusconi drives Russian President Vladimir Putin in an electronic buggy around his private summer residence villa 'La Certosa' on April 18, 2008
Silvio Berlusconi drives Russian President Vladimir Putin in an electronic buggy  Photo: AFP/Getty

According to the Corriere della Sera, negotiations with the Saudi royal family intensified after King Salman cut short his holiday on the French Riviera, following protests over the closure of a nearby public beach due to security concerns.

Villa Certosa already has an impressive security apparatus. In 2004, by government decree, the residence was declared an alternative maximum security headquarters for Mr Berlusconi, who was then the country’s leader.

Berlusconi “bunga bunga” case acquittal confirmed

Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, pictured in 2008
Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, pictured in 2008

Italy’s highest court has confirmed former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s acquittal on charges of abuse of office and paying for sex with an underage prostitute.

Berlusconi was convicted in 2013 in what became known as the “bunga bunga” case, but won an appeal the next year.

The Court of Cassation has now rejected prosecutors’ appeals to overturn the acquittal and hold a fresh trial.

The three-time Italian leader remains embroiled in several legal battles.

Berlusconi and the 17-year-old dancer involved, Karima El-Mahroug, known as “Ruby the Heartstealer”, denied having had sex.

Karima el-Mahroug is escorted outside a Milan court by two Carabinieri police officers after giving her testimony at the trial in Milan (May 2013)
Karima el-Mahroug is escorted outside a Milan court by two Carabinieri police officers after giving her testimony at the trial in Milan (May 2013)

The judges at the Court of Cassation took more than nine hours to reach their decision, and will issue a written ruling detailing their reasoning with the next 90 days.

The verdict leaves Berlusconi free to rally his Forza Italia party as it struggles to maintain a leading role in Italian politics, analysts say.

But he remains under investigation for allegedly paying off witnesses in the “bunga bunga” case, and is on trial in Naples for alleged political corruption.

Last week Berlusconi completed a community service sentence for tax fraud, at a care home.

Berlusconi Underage Sex Conviction Overturned By Italian Court


Italian former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has won an appeal against his conviction for paying for sex with an underage prostitute.

His seven-year prison sentence has now been thrown out by judges in Milan, in the so-called “Ruby” case.

Last year a court found that he had paid for sex with a 17-year-old nightclub dancer, Karima El-Mahroug, known as “Ruby the Heartstealer”.

Berlusconi is doing community service after being sentenced for tax fraud.

That was a separate case involving his business empire Mediaset. Berlusconi, 77, helps out once a week at a home for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

He began doing that service in May – and so far it is the only final judgment against him, despite various other court cases.

Silvio Berlusconi - file pic

‘Bunga-bunga’ reports

In the Ruby case both Berlusconi and Ms El-Mahroug denied having had sex.

During the trial reports emerged of raunchy “bunga-bunga” parties at his private villa attended by showgirls. Some of the female guests however described them as “elegant dinner parties”.

Berlusconi, a billionaire tycoon and veteran politician, was also acquitted of a charge that he abused his prime ministerial powers by pressuring the police to free Ms El-Mahroug when she was in custody.

In another separate case he is accused of having bribed a senator.

As a result of the conviction over Mediaset he was banned from holding political office for two years and expelled from the Senate.

Reacting to Friday’s verdict in Milan, Berlusconi’s lawyer said it “goes beyond our rosiest expectations”.

Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi (center) arrives for a court hearing in Naples, Italy, in June, where he was appearing as a witness in the trial of an associate. Berlusconi's conviction on sex with a minor and abuse of power was overturned by a court in Milan on Friday.

Political repercussions

Berlusconi was in power three times as prime minister, dominating Italian politics. He still heads the right-wing Forza Italia party.

The acquittal may enable him to remain a strong influence in politics and may also help centre-left Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, observers say, as Forza Italia may be less inclined to block the government’s reforms.

“This ruling will bring people together. We will be calmer working in future and be more united between ourselves and with all of the centre-right,” said Lucio Malan, a Forza Italia senator, quoted by AFP news agency.

Former Berlusconi secretary arrested with 24 kg of cocaine

Federica Gagliardi, la 'dama bianca', fermata a Fiumicino con 24 chili di cocaina

(Reuters) – Italian police on Thursday arrested Federica Gagliardi, a woman who acted as Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s secretary at two international summits in Canada in 2010, on suspicion of smuggling 24 kg of cocaine on a flight from Venezuela.

Gagliardi, who is in her early 30s, was taken into custody at Rome’s Fiumicino airport shortly after arriving on a flight from Caracas after police found the drugs in her carry-on luggage, a finance police spokesman said.

Officials provided no further details, but according to Italy’s anti-drug police estimates the local street value of 24 kg of pure cocaine, after it is cut with other substances to be sold on, would be about 6.7 million euros ($13.21 million).

The police did not say whether they found pure cocaine.

The Italian media dubbed Gagliardi the “white lady”, splashing her picture on the front pages and describing her as Berlusconi’s mystery companion when she stepped off the plane in Toronto in June 2010, previously unknown, dressed in a white linen blouse and trousers.

In response to questions about her role, Berlusconi’s office said she was acting as his secretary on the trip. She said she had met Berlusconi while campaigning for a member of his party.

After a few weeks, she dropped out of the media spotlight, but her LinkedIn page says she remained a regional government secretary in Rome until last year. ($1 = 0.7192 euros)