Tag Archives: Infographic

This Infographic Reveals How Startups Make Billions

startup chart

From thousands of miles away, Silicon Valley can feel like a magic box: normal people enter and out pop billionaires. But the startup ecosystem is much like the Wizard of Oz, where, when you pull back the green curtain, there stands a man.

Thereā€™s actually a fairly systematic process behind the formation, growth and financial success of many startups. Which is not to say that it is a foolā€™s errand to launch a successful startup and grow it into a billion-dollar company, but only to say that it has been done, and there is a worn path and a mature ecosystem surrounding this routine.

San Francisco-based startup organizationĀ Funders and FoundersĀ generated the infographic below, breaking down the way an entrepreneur goes from idea generation through to initial public offering. The infographic is based loosely based onĀ famous programmer and venture capitalist Paul Graham’s essay “How to Start a Startup.ā€

Take a look to get a clearer picture of what goes on in the big black box that is Silicon Valley. Behind the green curtain.

Useful Infographic on Picking Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables

See below for the full infographic. You can click into it orĀ hereĀ to see it close-up.

If you’ve ever wandered the produce aisle of your local grocery market, searching for the produce person to tell you which fruits and vegetables are “in season,” do we have something for you. Column Five Media took information from The Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture to create this extremely helpful infographic calledĀ The Bountiful Year. Like any chef or hardcore foodie will tell you, there’s nothing like the taste of fruits and vegetables that have been harvested in their peak season. Strawberries taste sweeter, tomatoes are juicer, and all around, everything looks and tastes as you imagine it (or better).

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370: The Complete Timeline And Infographic

With Malaysian authorities frustrated (and seemingly confused),Ā  and US and Chinese government offering “help” to solve this increasingly mysterious disappearance of the Boeing 777-200ER over a week ago, we thought a quick summation of all that we know would be useful. The possibilities remain numerous but it appears the latest line of investigation is the paneĀ vanished through “deliberate action” with the airline pilots coming under increasing scrutiny.


7.24am:Ā Malaysia Airlines confirms a jet lost contact with Subang air traffic control at 2.40am after it took off from Kuala Lumpur

10.30am:Ā Families waiting at Beijing airport are told passengers will not arrive

By night:Ā International rescue effort is under way. Two passengers used passports – one Austrian, one Italian – reported stolen in Thailand. Airline does not rule out terrorism


2am:Ā Airline says it last heard from MH370 at 1.30am, not 2.40am

2.43am:Ā Airline chief executive makes first public statement

Noon:Ā Hong Kong Immigration Department confirms 45-year-old local woman was on board


The largest rescue flotilla in Chinese naval history – four warships and five civilian and commercial vessels – speeds overnight to waters between Malaysia and Vietnam. Ten Chinese satellites join the hunt

Night:Ā Airline announces it will give 31,000 yuan (HK$39,200) to relatives of each passenger as a special condolence payment


Two senior Malaysian military officials say missing jet flew for an hour off its flight course and at a lower altitude after disappearing from civil aviation radar, partly explaining why Malaysia expanded search area to include Strait of Malacca two days earlier.

3pm:Ā Malaysian police say one of two passengers using a stolen passport is an Iranian teenager, and release photos of both


Beijing slams Malaysia’s “pretty chaotic” and conflicting information as Kuala Lumpur officials fail to pinpoint the plane’s last known whereabouts.

Malaysian media report the government has invited a witch doctor to help look for the plane by using a magic carpet, two coconuts and a wooden stick.


Malaysian military confirms spotting an unidentified aircraft on its radar about 1 hour and 20 minutes after MH370’s signal went cold. Airline says it has not been determined if that was the missing jet.

Malaysian authorities vow to banish witch doctor if he again carries out a ritual at the country’s main airport after the scene draws ridicule around the world.


Investigators are increasingly certain the jet turned back across the Malay Peninsula after losing communication.

International search expands westwards towards Indian Ocean.


Search narrows to two air corridors as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirms plane kept flying after it “vanished”. Officials also confirm the jet’s disappearance was a “deliberate act”.

Watch video aboutĀ “deliberate action” from WSJ,Ā 

Malaysian police are examining the home flight simulator of the pilot of Malaysia AirlinesĀ  Flight 370 in a closer focus on the plane’s crew amid suspicion that the aircraft disappeared because of foul play.

The homes and of Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah and co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid were searched by police Saturday and investigators spoke to the pilot’s family, the Malaysian Transport Ministry said in a statement.

The searches came asĀ Prime Minister Najib Razak had said that he believes that the plane vanished through “deliberate action”Ā on March 8, when it disappeared with 239 people on board on a flight between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing.

The disappearance of Flight 370 has baffled investigators for more than a week, but Mr. Najib’s comments have appeared to corroborate the analysis of U.S. investigators, which determined that one or more people on the plane deliberately changed its course and tried to mask its location.

Malaysia’s leader says communications systems on Flight 370 were cut off by “deliberate action.”Ā U.S. officials are investigating whether a third system, on the plane’s lower deck, was also compromised. WSJ’s Jason Bellini explains.

Colleagues have described Capt. Zaharie as an aviation enthusiast who loved to fly and built a flight simulator at home.

The Transport Ministry statement said that Malaysia was treating both search corridors with “equal importance” and is asking countries to provide further assistance in the search for the Boeing BA +1.00%Ā  777-200, including satellite data and analysis, ground-search capabilities, radar data and maritime air assets, and how best to deploy them.

Malaysian officials have contacted countries along the corridors including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and France, the statement said.